Gambe lunghe e perfette (addirittura assicurate per svariati milioni di dollari ), fisico da top model, occhi azzurri bellissimi, capelli biondi. L’avete riconosciuta?
Taylor Swift ed i collant
Ma certo che si…come non riconoscere una delle più belle cantanti attualmente in circolazione? Taylor Swift è conscia della propria bellezza e, cosa che a noi interessa di più, non disdegna affatto di indossare i collant di tanto in tanto.
Nelle foto che vi presentiamo oggi, la vediamo indossare un paio di bellissimi collant neri con disegni floreali: un dettaglio non da poco, che denota attenzione per il nylon!
Taylor è ritratta mentre passeggia, per cui non è nemmeno un outfit scelto ad hoc per qualche evento mondano…a Taylor Swift piacciono i collant !
Taylor Swift heads out for a late dinner at Nobu in NYC wearing a black leather skirt and
tights with an overcoat.
Pictured: Taylor Swift
Ref: SPL887176 111114
Picture by: @PapCultureNYC / Splash News
Splash News and Pictures
Los Angeles: 310-821-2666
New York: 212-619-2666
London: 870-934-2666
Taylor Swift and Chrissy Teigen and Kelly Osbourne girl night out at Nobles restaurant in NYC.
Pictured: Taylor Swift and Chrissy Teigen and Kelly Osbourne coming
Ref: SPL887755 111114
Picture by: @JDH Imagez/Splash News
Splash News and Pictures
Los Angeles: 310-821-2666
New York: 212-619-2666
London: 870-934-2666
New York, NY - Taylor Swift arrives for dinner at Nobu restaurant in NYC. Taylor built up an appetite with all of the promoting she's been doing for her new album "1989". This morning Taylor started her day with an early interview on 'Good Morning America', and now ends her day with a tasty meal from the popular eatery.
Pictured: Taylor Swift
Ref: SPL888094 111114
Picture by: AKM-GSI / Splash News
Taylor Swift arrived at Nobles restaurant in NYC.
Pictured: Taylor Swift
Ref: SPL888186 111114
Picture by: @JDH Imagez/Splash News
Splash News and Pictures
Los Angeles: 310-821-2666
New York: 212-619-2666
London: 870-934-2666
Tayllor Swift goes out to dinner
Pictured: Tyler Swift
Ref: SPL888240 111114
Picture by: Splash News
Splash News and Pictures
Los Angeles: 310-821-2666
New York: 212-619-2666
London: 870-934-2666
Taylor Swift heads out for a late dinner at Nobu in NYC wearing a black leather skirt and
tights with an overcoat.
Pictured: Taylor Swift
Ref: SPL887176 111114
Picture by: @PapCultureNYC / Splash News
Splash News and Pictures
Los Angeles: 310-821-2666
New York: 212-619-2666
London: 870-934-2666
Taylor Swift out for dinner at Nobu in NYC.
Pictured: Taylor Swift
Ref: SPL887146 111114
Picture by: Ron Asadorian / Splash News
Splash News and Pictures
Los Angeles: 310-821-2666
New York: 212-619-2666
London: 870-934-2666
Taylor Swift out for dinner at Nobu in NYC.
Pictured: Taylor Swift
Ref: SPL887146 111114
Picture by: Ron Asadorian / Splash News
Splash News and Pictures
Los Angeles: 310-821-2666
New York: 212-619-2666
London: 870-934-2666
Taylor Swift heads out for a late dinner at Nobu in NYC wearing a black leather skirt and
tights with an overcoat.
Pictured: Taylor Swift
Ref: SPL887176 111114
Picture by: @PapCultureNYC / Splash News
Splash News and Pictures
Los Angeles: 310-821-2666
New York: 212-619-2666
London: 870-934-2666
Taylor Swift heads out for a late dinner at Nobu in NYC wearing a black leather skirt and
tights with an overcoat.
Pictured: Taylor Swift
Ref: SPL887176 111114
Picture by: @PapCultureNYC / Splash News
Splash News and Pictures
Los Angeles: 310-821-2666
New York: 212-619-2666
London: 870-934-2666
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